Using an application technique that has been prescribed by Nussbaum, our UVMax™ SM2020 UVC is applied at a distance of 9” vertically above the wound using pre measured and customized fittings. Before treatment, the customized UVMax™ SM2020 with a 253.7 nm hot cathode UVC double tube lamps and generator is warmed up for 5 minutes before being placed above the wound. The ulcer is to be cleaned with sterile saline, and a layer of petroleum jelly is applied to the surrounding periulcer skin and any healthy granulation tissue. The wound edges are to be covered with a drape.
The UVMax™ SM2020 sanitizing system then is placed above the wound at 180 sec per wound site at a distance of 9”. This length of time is recommended for the treatment of infected ulcers and was selected based on MRSA killing rates reported in the in vitro study.
Subsequent and further periodic treatment is based on the recommendation of the physician or specialist in attendance. |